2024 - 05/05 Meeting Agenda & Minutes
Community Council Agenda
5 May 2024
2:30 - 3:15
Ian Silverberg
Brendy Saunders
Jenna Cook
Whitney PantoneAmy Gompert - excused
Don Morse
Molly Froerer - excused
Josh Simon
Review of Preliminary testing data - SGP not available yet
7th ELA - 62% vs 43 and 34. Increase of 15%
7th math - 66% vs 44 and 39. Increase of 6%
7th Sci - 65% vs 44 and 37. Increase of 7%
8th ELA - 58% vs 43 and 36. Increase of 20%
8th Math - 54% vs 35 and 28. Increase of 1%
8th Sci - 63% vs 48 and 40. Increase of 7%
9th ELA - 71%. Increase of 11%
9th Math - 62%. Decrease of 2%
9th Sci 70%. Increase of 5%
- Safety - Several bills passed this year. Updated responsibility of safety coordinator. CSTAG
training for threat response - Don, Mike and SRO.
- Student Celebrations - Incentive Day May 16. Awards Assembly May 14, Individual recognitions
in classes.
- 6th grade transition
- Council Members
- Two names so far. Don will contact. That number should fill our need.
- March Meeting Minutes approved
- Reviewed preliminary testing data
- Discussed safety issues for next year - bills passed by legislature
- Discussed getting word out about the community council and get more people involved and
understanding what the community council is about and what they do and how to give
- Jenna and Whitney willing to serve another term on the council and will have kids at the school.