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Snowcrest School Improvement Plan 2023-2024

Snowcrest Junior High

Estimated Distribution for the 2023-2024 school year is: $40,321.

Goal #1: Increase the number of students earning an adequate SGP (student growth percentile) of the 40th percentile or higher in Language Arts, Science and Math by 3%.

Academic Areas: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science

Measurements: Results of the previous year compared to current year Rise and Utah Aspire assessments will be used to measure progress for this goal. Formative classroom assessments including benchmark assessments and grade distributions will be used to determine intermittent progress.

Action Plan:

We will maintain smaller class sizes to decrease the student-to-teacher ratio and provide more opportunities for 1-1 help and instruction. We will accomplish this by purchasing additional class periods for approximately $37,961.00.

Student Advocate to help identify and support students individually and in small groups to track and help improve student academic success for $2,360.

If additional funding is available, we will use the funding to maintain and update student and teacher technology to support student learning.   

Budget: $40,321

Teacher Salaries: $37,961

Student Advocate Support: $2,360

Technology Needs: If any additional funding available – Chromebooks and a/v equipment

Total: $40,321